Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Neat Stuff

Well rather than bore you with the details let me say that it was a rough day on the pchem test and a wonderful day in the lab.

I just didn't feel prepared for the test and so I feel that I bombed it. There wasn't much on it besides concepts but for some reason the neuron weren't firing. I woke up late so that started my day off poorly, and then found out that I couldn't use my TI 89 calculator on the test and so I had to use the one on my cell phone. In reality there were only a very few questions that required a calculator but it was the thought of working without a net that was terrifying.

But once we got going in the lab I felt back in my element. I was ready to prepare my own samples for some relatively easy experiments in thin films. I tweaked a few parameters (under the senior grad students direction) and got results that were at least somewhat unexpected. It was what we hoped for and what was predicted. In fact it was nearly 100% exactly what was predicted. That is unusual. It's so good that we are going to run some mroe tests and pursue a publication on the results. Woo Hooo!

Thanks for Reading! Have a great night and keep smiling!

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